I know le!!!
Its true that my God is not a God of confusion. :D
Was talking about I dont digest the Commentary about the Tower of Babel in Gen 11.
alright let me put things into context,
Gen 11 talks about Noah's descendent going forth from the east of the land to the Land of Shinar, it was a place big enough to contain them all.
Though there was no proper mortar and building blocks for them to use,
they purpose in their heart to build themselves a tower and a city.
Hence they created bricks.
The commentary mention that that was when God caused confusion to come upon them and so they were scattered.
I was struggling, Confusion? God? these 2 words doesnt come together,
then I began to realize,
Let me explain the part on why God was against them building a tower first.
The reason why they want to build a tower and a city was actually a form of unity, they wanted to stay together, dwell together, build up these fortress so as to protect themselves from the rain,wind and acts of nature.
Stay in together as one. which was also the reason why they settle down in the Land of Shinar, (it was big enough to contain them all)
But what did God say? God commanded them in Gen 9:1, 7 to go forth and fill the earth. replenish all the land.
So they are meant to separate and each "conquer" and stay at different parts of the earth, not together, not meant to be unity - bond together.
So what was the reason that confusion would be inflicted on them?
They disobeyed.
They didnt do what God commanded them to do, for the matter, told them to do.
What is disobedience?
Disobedience is rebellion, its as good as breaking any of the 10 commandments, be it a lie or adultery or murder. Just as Pastor preach.
As I've read in the book Under Cover,
When we go against God and God is no longer God of all in our lives, He would lift up His covering of protection.
thats when the devil comes in, :) and so comes the confusion.
and so their tongues (the common language they used) became less effective (kind of like our modern day communication breakdown. :D we may be speaking English language, but sometimes points just dont get through)
Disagreement comes and off they go, each on their own, to different parts of the world.
*just as God purposed in His heart*
Guess thats the reason why we dont have one common language. :)
the hassle of having to learn another language ar? :D
the commentary mention,
Thats the reason why God gave us the Holy Language, the evident of the baptism of the Holy Spirit - Tongues.
One common language that all Child of God know
Rom 15:6
That you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Be Bless!
A different AGE in Skin Care: Part One
1 month ago
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