Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Was just chatting with ORC when he asked me about interesting stuff happening in school.
Got reminded of one and decided I should put up this one since its good. :D

I've this Pri 3 class though my form class is Pri 2.
I'm kind of this Pri 3 Subject teacher, I dont see them everyday.

Went in on Monday for a lesson. They were streaming in from their mother tongue lesson.
The mother tongue teacher using that classroom mention to me there's this new classmate from China. So I said Hi to the child.

It was into the 7th minute when I told the class, the next pupil that comes in, we shall clap for them.

Like literally : "YEH!!!" *clap* *clap* *clap*

so I had 2 children that came in, one after another. The whole class clapped for them. :D They enjoyed, and smile as they got into their seats.

So today's my lesson again. I attended a training session before stepping into the class.

I was approaching the class when I saw those cute little ones eyes brightening up and the tip of their mouth beginning to raise.

I was thinking, "Great! They look forward to my lesson!"

Lo and Behold, when I step in...

"Yeh!!!" *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Oh these cheeky monkeys!

They turn the joke on me! :D
I was late, so they clapped.

I got to the teacher's table grinning ear to ear. *not sure if I blushed*

Guess whos the mastermind...


The new classmate that we have.

I've got a good feeling about this class.
Kind of early.

But well, its always good to have a good start.

Now, got to come up with extra materials to push the kids.

Jia You Jia YOu Jia YOu!

Praise God!
Indeed I am so Bless!

Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010

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