Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hey Hey Hey,

today's Sunday le... :D

Wah, so fast 2 weeks past Olympics Closing Ceremony is on TV now.
Hmm... 2 weeks and I've only posted wat 4 or 5 entries :D


went out with Cellgroup today.
Been introduced to this new member.
somewhat related to my ex ex ex cellmember.

Its interesting how the interactions had been.
Def got reminded of hows parents had the best interest in the heart, but the young ones might just sometimes choose to disobey.
How to teach?
HA! nevermind, not my job at the moment.

Dont wanna put up the one with the flash light. not exactly the best picture.
Oh got new friend. Joe!

I Love My 3 Grace! :D

Yes Ms Ng Love You~

Just realize, when people ask me for feedback I tend to give criticism first.
Hmm... So Blunt isnt it...
hmm... oki la... nvm,
Shall change.

Give them praises first

kk, more entries.

Be Bless

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