Hmmm Easter...
Last year's Easter I got the revelation of "It is finish"
Jesus cried out these words when He was at His last breath on the cross of calvary.
that is indeed how it was.
If we put our faith in Christ, truly all things are "finish"
Follow the ways of the Lord,
Pick up your own cross and uphold His righteous acts. Put and Obey His thoughts above yours and truly all the trials and difficulties are "finish"
As it has always been, His burden is easy, His yoke is light.
Its about the willingness to give up all (surrendering to Him) and really just no more strength to go on and fight things out your way.
"It is finished"
All battles have been won,
all difficulties have been conquered.
"It is finished"
This year, I took part in the Easter production by been part of the crowd, one of those that cried, reach out for Jesus while He was on His way to the hill in the drama.
It sure was a traumatic experience for me.
The breathing difficulty + the realness of the whole scenario.
How every step of the way He was mock and whipped.
"Pick up the cross you king!"
"Is this your savior?"
"Bu Yao cuo de ren bu shi ta!"
"Ta shi wu gu de!"
Translation: "no He is not the one guilty" "He is innocent"
Every knock on the nail caught my breath.
Was just commenting to my choir friend that it might get a little routine and lost its meaning with the need to cry for every service,
then he mention to me,
that may not necessary be the case,
everytime we experience this,
It could be Jesus dying for a very specific situation at that very point of time.
The financial difficulty
The seemly impossible to get over situation
The hard to kick habit that is not desirable.
The illness that we are suffering from.
The new strength we receive because of His death for us.
Then it all became very real to me.
That tomorrow just seem to be so much easier to pass,
No complains, no nothing. But just the joy, to know that Jesus had died and carried what I cant carry for me.
This whole process of moaning each time for Jesus in each service is as though us living our daily life, having to stand as a testimony for Jesus in the world every single day.
not that its an acting thing, but it all have to be from the very core of a person.
Because "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"
Out of what we have inside, it flows into our actions, consciously, unconsciously.
Whats the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross for you today?
This very same process renews itself everyday for your life,
Have you embraced it yet?
Not sure about yours, the year that I was saved, it depicted the story of the two thieves that was lifted on 2 other crosses with Jesus.
Indeed it was my season.
Click on the song "your savior" and listen to it ba :)
think that was in the year 2004.
Its actually entirely live, sang by Kelvin i think(the original singer of "Call Upon" )
so please pardon the little slipped in timing.
Perhaps the critics may say "Oh they are just a bunch of people seeking for hope and new strength to live tomorrow, to make it easier for them to live."
Well ya, thats very true actually, dont we all seek hope? In the times of need, dont we all pray and ask for miracle.
In as much as we as human being can do the best we can, dont we all look forward to the event that will happen even at the very second before? Is not the event not within our control still after doing all that we can?
He is one man who knows the desires of our heart, He didnt ask for much,
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you"
Thats why we worship Him.
The privilege that only man has.
Be Bless
They shouted "crucify"
As He struggled on the road
Weight of the world, all the pain
The cross became His load
He was innocent
Yet accused and blamed
Sent to save a fallen world
To bear all our shame
They shouted "crucify"
As He climbed the lonely hill
Bearing the shame of the mocking crowd
While heaven and earth stood still
He was innocent
Yet accused and blamed
Sent to save a fallen world
To bear all our shame
This is your Savior, pure love of heaven
Sent to die on calvary to bear the sins of all
Rejected, cursed to die
Love silently endured
His blood poured out an offering
At the foot of the cross
They put a crown of thorns upon His bleeding head
Whipped Him as He struggled on
He uttered not a word
He was innocent
Yet accused and blamed
Sent to save a fallen world
To bear all our shame
For the broken hearted
For the poor, the weak
For the blind and searching
He shed His blood for you and me
A different AGE in Skin Care: Part One
2 months ago
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