05 days to my children's Oral exam, 14 days to my children's EL Paper 2 19 days to my chilrens's Sci Paper 2 13 days to my Humanities Paper 21 days to my Psychology Paper
I Love Me...
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010
This morning was very scary, I jumped up thinking it was monday. Anxiety attack... not good not good.
Anyway, Was just gathering at the choir area when a thought strike me.
"When I'm dealing with my non-routine kids, am I responding in anger?"
That was a very important thought I feel. Just as we are being pushed to the end, do we respond in anger, or is there an alternative way to respond in love?
The other issue, Mat 6:33 I'm repenting.
Mommy says whenever I see her, I always say "I want to sleep" :D
Shall sit aside and decide if I should watch Army Daze or sleep early.
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Wat do you get when you put a composer who has given up on music and a group of orphans from WWII together in a classroom?
Les Choristes 25th Apr 2009 Okto 10pm
What has it got to me?
1. Teacher 2. Children 3. Music 4. Singing 5. Hope
Just finished watching the show, I'm very inspired. That yah, really thats the life of teachers. Its either the very disciplinarian side, or the find ways to get it through kind.
and finally, when the teacher walks away, its not a nobody. But really, it is one person, that has impacted the life of the many that he/she has come into contact with.
The grown up with the wisdom accumulate over the years, looking at a child's deeds and acts, having been there, done that, know of the feelings and thoughts, willing to acknowledge and come back to those.
Tomorrow's Army Daze on Okto at 10pm. :D Fabulous! "my ambition is to become a housewife in hougang" "Oh My Krishna! Be brave! but dont be a hero okie..." "Diyana!!! Ah Hua! Ah Hua! Take photo! Take photo!" "Wah, officer teach us how to jia zhua Eat Snake ar"
its a good show! Sunday 10pm
kk, time to sleep, its choir again tomorrow~
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010
turns out even more damage was made. :D No la, not exactly.
Saturday morning went over to City Square to do some window shopping. Bought some accessories and of course J Co donut. that was enough of a chill out time for me.
Then come Saturday evening got a call from a colleague. One of them pull out from their concert outing cos the mom wasnt feeling well. Asked me if I wanna go. Ticket price really really steep. Oh well, we get to see 5 artist + 2 Producers So...
anyway, photos Galore~
Lee Si Song, Lee Wei Song, Hao You Ying Yue Pai Dui
My Colleagues
My Unrestricted view *because it was 2 couples sitting in-front of me, and the ladies decided to borrow the guy's arm* :D Blessed is me :D
Xiao Jing Teng
Chen Xiao Dong!!! Do you rem him? Almost melted during his opening parts of the songs.
Anyway, Continuing the Sunday evening Cellgroup had Bowling Game followed by Delicious Yum Yum Thai Thai food. The food was FantaBuloUs! $17 dollars net for Buffet! Will try to scan the menu and put it up.
Had course at Grange road today, and then went over to buy Softtoys. :D Looking for creature Comfort you see. :)
They are so adorable right!!! Especially that Polar Bear! And that Bunny Rabbit with that Super soft Ears!!!
And these!
Yes Val Lua... I'm missing 3/4... Didnt buy these Duckies though they were within the budget, cos that wasnt what I was looking for...
Finally, I bought this! no I mean thESE :D
Been Looking for that Doumo doll for the longest time. Its the soft toy to the left. Kinda like Pikachu and friends, only know how to say its own name. "Doumo" So you can hear all the intonations of its name every time when it comes on Okto. "Doumo?" "Doumo!"
and the other one on the left. Think its 1/3. See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. Its so adorable!
Got to learn to be wise like it, Speak no evil... :D
Was just reflecting on a conversation that I had with a colleague, about being a morning person or not. Are you usually the grumpy kind that doesnt like to talk in the morning.
Had an encounter regards that. Was on my way to my desk, going up the staircase to my workstation. Then a kid came and ask me somethings regards an announcement made the day before.
The poor innocent kid. From my point of view, the answer is in the announcement. So me being me that morning, I literally ask her, "What did the announcement say?"
Can see the child literally back out. :D
so poor thing right... Thats the kind of thing our love ones goes through. Esp if one party isnt a morning person. *assuming that the love one is with them in the morning* So know your love one well and understand their pattern.
I am quite an oki morning person. Its just that day, the isolated case.
Was just going through some thoughts, then this thought came about What if, you wake up one morning, and it isnt your love one that u see at the first instant. Instead its another person O_O
I'm sure everyone likes to wake up with their love one beside them, stealing a kiss or two before rolling off bed. :D
What if, it isnt exactly that person? Can you imagine that? Of course I say, Dont imagine too much.
Or maybe I should turn it around and ask, is the one that sleeps beside u truly ur love one?
Things that are not done, that there may be greater respect, greater love.
Love is a complicated thing...
kk, 2 TMAs due next week, catch u guys again~ Dont forget to tag~
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Lee Kuan Yew, in his own words At the Tanjong Katong School during his tour of Mountbatten Constituency 13th June 1965
"What worries me is not talk; what worries me is foolish shouting, threats. That gets nowhere. You see, they will have to keep on shouting louder and louder; finally, they will lose their voice; and in the end, they frighten themselves into doing foolish things. I say, that is not necessary."
"What do you think you are playing, dumb or chess? These people they play dumb, one at a time. They do not know this is a very complicated, complex thing, and if you have to play this game that it is a game of chess, not dumb. You calculate five or six, seven, or eight steps after you make your opening move. Do not just move big pieces here and there without knowing where you are going."
#501 post by the way.
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Was just clearing up my boxes of stuff that I collected over the years. :D not exactly stuff. Rather, they are the notes and textbooks through Secondary and Poly life, not alot not alot. Plenty of stuff from St Johns, NYP Pals, tut, Lect notes, Christian Education Books and plenty of Idol pictures...
I realize, Basically, Declutter = Throw.
So the process was like.
E-Business - Throw. Management Accounting - Throw. Business Communication - ok, cannot throw, I need to know how to write official business doc Accounting - Throw Auditing - THROW Company Law - ok, Law dont change often can keep. Stats for Biz - Throw.
Yes, I'm quite decisive.
Then it dawn on to me. WHy on earth did I study these modules for? Why Statistics for Business. What the heck... What was the reason?
Well, didnt exactly regret choosing that Diploma though, cos its a choice I made. Since Sec 2 actually. These module actually comes bundle with Accounts that I wanted to take cos I'm good in it.
If only I had knew that I would be a people person since Sec 2 :D
So now comes the question. Why am I taking English With Psychology? Psychology because I'm plainly interested in it. English is just to enhance my life so I wont be stuck with psychology and psychology only.
and Hey, I am enjoying the study of The Form of Humanities k~
Next Sem, most probably taking 2 10CUs modules. :D Yup, Sucidal again.
So I continued looking through my stuff. Wah saw so many Ayumi Pictures... Then come the most Revelational part. I saw the lyrics of some songs. O_O
I can still sing
Depend On You Surreal M Evolution
Without the music... Goodness...
and the best part is... there are so many tracks that I can sing together with, but totally forgot the title :D
Lets see if I can find the album cover of those that I have.
I think I bought a CD containing her images. :D From Yahoo Auction.
She is a pretty face, and a pretty talented one. Use to listen to her songs.
One of my favorite CD cover. (incidentally I have the CD as well)
The plot for the MTV story is pretty interesting too. :) Cant find it on Youtube, sorry~ *oh, I think the MTV is in a CD too. :D *
Ayumi n Kinki Kids - Seasons (if you know them, WoH, good for u, if you dont know them, I assume u are really young)
Vogue, Far Away and Seasons These 3 songs form a story
kk, thats about Ayumi
Then I saw the remaining artist... I was like -_-" What was I thinking when I collect them? Haiyo... Now what am I going to do with them? Throw? so wasted... Anyway, they shall stay in the box till further usage...
One of my church friends commented that I looked really tired last Friday, So tired that the look on me makes her feel tired too. :D
kk, time to go sleep. I wanna get ready for the new week ahead.
Dont miss me!
Be Bless Love, Amanda She is one step closer to SOT 2010