Cos VDay is around the corner,
in-fact, its Today!
Anyway, was just reading Chicken Soup, then tot it be good to post up one of the stories. :) so here goes:
If God Had an Eraser
If God had an eraser,
What would He erase away?
Would He erase the clouds,
And make the sun shine every day?
Would He erase oppression?
Would He choose to make us free?
Would He rid the world of wars,
Of pain and poverty?
Would ugliness and ignorance,
Be among the first to go?
Would we all be beautiful,
And know all there was to know?
Would He eliminate our anger,
Our pettiness and greed?
Would He grant us all our wishes,
And fulfill our every need?
Would He choose to rub out sadness,
So we'd never need to cry?
Would He eradicate all illness,
So we'd never need to die?
Would He erase anxiety,
Our fears and worries too?
Would He rid the world of suffering,
Or leave that for us to do?
Think for some of us, we would have already known the answer from the very beginning.
Guess thats the beauty of it.
He didnt erase all that that we might grow through it,
He didnt erase that we may make a difference in the lifes.
Its not about Him doing it personally,
But its about Him doing it through us.
That trials and tribulation may come,
Thousands may rise up against us from our left and right, :)
Where is your focus? Thats the question. :)
Do you believe that He has already pre-plan us to go through it and become even stronger after it?
Who are you?
You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves us.
If you feel you cant make it through, then pray and ask for His mercy grace and strength.
Know His heart and truly it'll be like Footprints in the sand.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
How to memorize the scripture above? Simple, understand it.
He came that we may receive grace to be reconcile right? So we can attempt to remember it that way, "grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" God is love. so its "the love of God" He left that we may have the Helper to always be with us right? thats why its "communion of the Holy Spirit" :D
oki, thats about all for now,
Happy Vday everyone!!!
Be Bless
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