Saturday, February 28, 2009
go see~
YEH!!! I've finished the final presentation to a module.
Meaning one module is coming to an end!!!
Yeh! Treat myself to a delicious Yoshinoya Salmon meal.
I wanna go beach!
Maybe instead of Jakarta I'll go Sentosa instead.
7th Mar? 28th Mar?
Oh, I'm watching Marley and Me tomorrow~ 9.20pm Causeway point!
Be Bless
Thursday, February 26, 2009
This is joke.
My Goodness...
and the hotline supposedly Singapore's I called Directed me to Australia Call Centre.
Well Done...
- Update -
After multiple calls, and really long waits. Of course, calls from Nuffnang after the feedback that I sent as well.
Turns out that the tickets are valid, just that the system is down,
the customer service officer mention that the voucher is valid for us into the weekends as well. :D
Be Bless
Be Bless
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
those pills are driving me crazy...
Yes, I like Chihuahua
Be Bless
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Because it perks up even the lowest and grumpiest day
Be Bless
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Looking forward to trying out some with Raisins!
Its SIM night tomorrow again~
Be Bless
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Throat n Peppermint
Remembered drinking Mint tea *not sure if its mint or pepper mint* after the shop owner's recommendation in Malaysia.
So went online to check the relationship btw Peppermint tea and sore throat.
Remembered drinking Mint tea *not sure if its mint or pepper mint* after the shop owner's recommendation in Malaysia.
Saw this article online
How to get rid of a sore throat
The sore throat is so common that medical science has given it its own name: pharyngitis. Despite having its own name, it is usually only a symptom and/or precursor of a viral disease such as a cold or influenza. Sometimes it’s just an irritation from smoke, pollen, or something else you’re allergic to. It can also be a sign of a bacterial infection that needs medical attention. And, among other things, it may simply indicate throat muscles that have been strained by extensive talking, singing, or yelling.
According to the Mayo Clinic, most sore throats are symptoms of a viral infection. The most common viral infection is the one that causes colds. You can distinguish between sore throats accompanying a cold and those accompanying a flu only by looking at other symptoms. With a cold there is also sneezing, a cough, a low fever, and some slight body aches. Flu victims suffer a great deal from aching muscles and joints, fatigue, and high fevers. Another virus causing a sore throat is mononucleosis, in which the tonsils and lymph nodes of the neck and armpits are swollen; there is a skin rash , and there is inflammation of the liver. Other viral illnesses with sore throat symptoms are measles and chickenpox.
Strep throat and tonsillitis are not viral diseases; but bacterial infections that can bring on a severe sore throat.
-No wonder its preset in my mind that sore throat = throat infection if not cleared after 1 or 2 days.
Yup, I've learnt that no matter how much I love iced water, I still have to guai guai drink warm water when I get sore throat...
Found this too
kk, cheers to a no sore throat morning tomorrow~
Time to wash up and sleep.
Looking forward!
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
He's Just Not That Into You
My head's all messed up now...
Not because of the relationships between the characters, cos the storyline still have it nicely pair up or singled out in the end. Its fine.
Just the mixed message I received along the way.
Surprisingly, not the one with the hot sex and willing to work marriage out that has the most lasting impression.
Its the I'm desperately interpreting sign in order to get attached girl and the let me help you guy that caught my attention.
Perhaps its because the relationship was built throughout the whole show, and that character is such a story teller...
I'm eating suicidal stuff now, :D my throat's gonna kill me tomorrow. :D
Wrote this down some time ago in my sermon notebook.
kept forgetting to blog about it.
Perhaps its because thats not where I would usually keep my blog ideas ba.
Was desperately trying to fit it into a philosophy form but failed horribly. :D
That must be why I didnt choose a philosophy question for my assignments ba. :D
Assignments shall be termed as TMA from hereforth.
1. Not necessary all men from CHC practise what is preached.
2. Not necessary all men NOT from CHC doesnt practise what is preached.
3. Some even just sleep through the service.
If I can attempt to put it into Philosophy form: *yup, I am not giving up cos it may come out in exams...*
City Harvest Church delivers messages that makes one after God's heart.
Men who are in City Harvest Church listen to these messages.
Hence, All Men from City Harvest Church are man after God's heart.
:D I think that cannot be more wrong.
Seek not a Godly man, but a Man after God's heart.
Listen not to what others say, but listen to one's heart.
thats just to rhyme, I think Open up one's eyes to see for oneself is still the most important.
And after you've made the decision, stick to it.
:D I hope I am still so realistic when everything begins.
kk, thats all for tonight~
The new week is about to begin! Hallelujah!
Be Bless
P/S: I totally got the message of the show. I think...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Its a guy show but I am so enchanted by it.
The previous time I watched, I realized why is it called "Fellowship Of The Ring"
This time I watch, I realize why is it called "Lord of The Rings"
Saw the courage in the acts of Aragon, saw the respect between him and his lover.
and yes, I'm only talking about the 1st part of the trilogy :D
I wonder what im gonna discover next.
Bought my XD card after so much delaying :D *hopeful there be more opportunity for me to take photos. Just missed one today cos the trip to Hop Park was postpone.
and did French manicure at an incredible price. :D Hmm... Maybe I should try doing it myself. :D
- Photo Removed -
Took photos last weekend. To preserve the youth of Amanda Val in the year 2009.
Whats up next? Perhaps artistic photos after I've gotten some aesthetic treatments?
Now let me take a look at my hp and see if there is more meaningful things to blog about.
I just threw away 2 red pens today. :D Yup, finished. Dried. No more ink.
Happen to hear this over the radio the other day. :D so funny how though I have the album zillion years ago, but just never had noticed this part of the lyrics
Robbie Williams - Supreme
"And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay"
Was just evaluating and thinking, wat makes one's stay in the presence of great leaders, or perhaps other people a little more lasting?
The words that one speaks, the presence that one carries. The languages that one silently portray. But more than that...
"Wisdom, something that one can even get so thirsty for. That accumulates as we choose to grow. Thats so attractive in the eyes of rulers and kings.
I've been caught up with the song "Lucky" recently. :D gets into the mind the more I listen.
Need to get a pair of white Boots...
kk, got to go~
catch you guys again.
Tag me~
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I submitted my Humanities TMA.
So Tired....
Next stop, Clear Marking, Clear Observation, Clear Prep for pupils exam.
When can I take a break?
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I could write a poem on how I miss you.
Then I realize,
Why do I want to write a poem when I could speak to you?
Dedicated to the too casual to be formal guy.
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
P/S: did I mention that I'm studing Shakespeare's sonnet? :D
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Amanda shall be lifted up!
Be Bless
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Monday, February 16, 2009
She is upset with the day. The part on stonning which leads to inability to even compartmentalize her thoughts and get on with the program.
She is thankful that she got through the noise, the available break periods that gave her grace.
The lovely children that helped her.
The kind weather that made it all easier to work with.
So Amanda Val Ng
Is going to get her butt off the chair, socks higher up, wash up, cook,
and start on her SIM self-study and preparation for Observation tomorrow.
Amanda Val Ng is loving it, and cant imagine doing other job besides being a teacher.
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
P/S: Amanda Val Ng is missing someone and there is absolutely nothing she can do about it. *pOuT*
Saturday, February 14, 2009
So Bedazzled by the different emotions and reasoning in the show.
Indian girl meets boy on the phone.
Indian girl gets arranged marriage in India.
Boy needs to go overseas to work, Girlfriend offers companionship.
Boy rejects.
Boy asks Indian girl to meet overseas.
Boy meets Indian girl overseas.
Boy and Indian girl falls in-love.
Boy and Indian girl miscommunicates.
Boy meets Girlfriend overseas.
Girlfriend dresses in 2 piece.
Girlfriend brushes off Indian girl as housemaid.
Indian girl goes home with Daddy.
Parent says its not just about her Own happiness, its a shared happiness of the family.
Indian girl couldnt bring her heart to salvage the arranged marriage.
Daddy understood and defended Indian girl.
Indian girl continues her life.
Girlfriend pushes Marriage on Boy.
Boy comes to realization on best friend's wedding day.
Boy flies to Indian girl.
Boy persuades Daddy.
End of story.
The emotions that entangles the girl,
The reasonings the parents provided.
The Arranged Marriage vS Marriage of Convenience.
Its really a movie.
Because this kind of wAh, Realize then fly over to Indian to marry her doesnt sound possible at all.
Yup, He's the gardener in Desperate Housewife Part 1.
Hows your Love Tank like today?
Be Bless
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Woke up from my nap and I realize my brain is a wierd state.
You know the kind of feeling that you cant do serious work for a while. :D
Must have been the overdose of late night because of coming home late, and the intense preparation for the presentation/TMA today.
*Phew* thank God its over.
On top of that must be because I didnt blog for like wat 3days?
Its amazing how such deprivation of blogging can turn the mind into mush.
Guess its not surprising cos human beings need to communicate and let out their thoughts ba.
Think I'm addicted to blogging. :D
Jayden aka Nuffnang Xmas Party winner talks about that too. :D
Now let me check my phone to see if I had any topic that I wanted to blog about or not... (Besides Obama as promised)
Oh Got. "Position of Power, Would you still apologize then"
Think this is very subjective.
Cos was just in class, teaching, wanted the pupils to take out their exercise books to do some practises with me. Then this child, gave him instruction to get paper from the back of the room, I always had single sided rough paper at the shelves.
Saw him walk to the back, then a short while later, he was tearing paper from another exercise book.
So I was like. "Why are you doing this?" Cos I dont want them to develop the habit of just taking out an exercise book and tear paper from it.
"Dont have paper, no more already" replied my child.
"Come follow me! get paper from the back"
When I was there, checked, realize, Oh! the papers are gone. *in my mind I was thinking, "How could that be. Its always bountiful"
- Stop - this is the scenario. I am the one in authority, according to my acts there are sufficient rough papers cos I know where my worksheets go.
Given the situation, there really isnt in that Particular slot that I always put.
and I did Speak to my child in an unkind tone for a while.
What would this person in authority do?
*turns out one of my helpers actually swopped the slots*
I said "so you did come and look for papers." *found a piece of annoucement paper tt would do fine as well.* "Ms Ng's fault, nah, you can use this one." then smile at the child.
Such an interesting thought isnt it.
Guess at the end of the day, A teacher does step down and apologizes, to let the pupil know that a teacher does apologize for their mistakes as well.
I'm not trying to show off that I am humble enough to apologize to my children.
Just wanted to express and trigger the thought.
What sort of Leadership role Disallow one to apologize then?
I think an emperor's one wouldnt allow.
Can you imagine an emperor apologize, the kind of impact he will have on his image, the kind of thoughts that his subordinates would have about his decisions from then forth.
Hmm... one of the previous US President apologize publically before, if I didnt remember wrongly, think it was accepted. Hows it like if Obama was placed in a situation that requires him to apologize? wOh!
The Speech Craft of Barack Obama
Source: "Walk Your Talk Integrity in Action" magazine.
On the Mean Street
"Finally, as you and I stand here today, know that there is a generation of children growing up on the mean streets and forgotten corners of this country who are slipping away from us as we speak. They walk down Corridors of Shame in rural South Carolina and sit in battered classrooms somewhere in East L.A.
They are overwhelmingly black and Latino and poor. And when they look around and see that no one has lifted a finger to fix their school since the nineteenth century; when they are pushed out the door at the sound of the last bell - some into a virtual war zone - is it any wonder they don't think their education is important? Is it any wonder they are dropping out in rates we've never seen before?
"I know these children.
"I know their sense of hopelessness.
"I began my career over two decades ago as a community organizer on the streets of Chicago's South Side. And I worked with parents and teachers and local leaders to fight for their future. We set up after-school programs and we even protested outside government offices so that we could get those who had dropped out into alternative schools."
I know, I am totally missing the point of this article. But somehow this extract had an impact on this educator in me.
Like I say in today's presentation,
Children, If you can empower them today, they can go a long way.
kk, thats all for now.
Happy Valentines day everyone! I'm gonna go watch "The other end of the line"
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
P/S: I rolled on someone's bed today :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tot I should post it up before it slipped off my mind.
Was just chatting with a friend over the phone. Was commenting how throughout the phone conversation the person seems to just be sending over loads of negative vibe and grumblings.
Tried to change the vibes of the conversation and got off the phone soon after.
Came to the realization that, Hey, if we take away the grumblings, would it still be a meaningful conversation?
Whats left?
Praises and good news for the day? (that IS meaningful)
random small talks? (thats well... could be a little superficial at times)
Would it be then grumbling has its good point as well? - To carry on a conversation thats on the topic on "hows your day" and it was really bad.
Whats left of a meaningful conversation if grumbling is taken away?
its like the humane touch is taken away isnt it?
Could we get into a form of lifestyle and be trained up to not grumble?
Less Grumble, More Thankfulness?
Cos I guess we cant really completely take away all grumbleness.
:) I like the sound of that.
Grumbling is kind of like complaining.
The people of the God were going round and round the wilderness for 40years because they were complaining.
God! wheres water?
God! wheres meat?
God! where are you?
God! who are you?
God! did you take us out of Egypt to bring us here? We'll rather stay in Egypt!
*oh to be wiped and be slaves*
Then again, God took them to the wilderness so they know WHO He is, instead of straight on to the Land of Milk and Honey where they know WHAT He can bless them with.
Kind of like us being on earth before reporting upstairs.
Where is God in my situation?
There He is, IN your situation.
Being able to see and know God in the wilderness before reaching the promise land.
The very breath that belongs to Him. :) Hallelujah!
How would it be like if Pastor has a gun and just shoot us at the altar when we go forth to receive salvation? :D
Was just trying to cross the road when a thought came onto my mind.
What would I do if I was knock down and unable to move my legs?
My reaction wasnt to call my love ones or my dad to inform them first.
But rather the school to tell them I'll be late for work or wouldnt be able to work for now. :D
the sense of responsibility that causes one to behave like that.
Took a magazine from the school library and left it on the classroom teacher's table.
used it as a paperweight for a while.
The kids that came by to my table to handup some stuff actually can recognize him.
Primary 2, about 8 years old :"OBAMA!"
they can tell me that.
Thats the power of media, I tell you.
Just the picture and the frequent mention of that name regardless of the amount of other sounds of him and his deeds. It got right into their heads.
Of course, none of them said "Barack Obama." or for that matter, "Osama" -_-"
Think I'm going to give my children a small talk about colors.
Read a real interesting quote on him from the magazine, will out it up after im done with my assignment tts due this Friday. :D
Be Bless
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Monday, February 9, 2009
wah... energy level really low w/o interactions.
As a result, half a pile still waiting to be marked. :D
Was taking a break at the Staff Lounge when I noticed some people's reaction towards the chair placed in the middle thats blocking the pathway.
What would you do to get pass?
Would you try to suck it in and "squeeze" pass the chair,
Or would you shift the chair back to its position around the round table and walk through w/o difficulty?
not that its a big matter, but sometimes its these subtle things that one's character leak out.
By now, what you see in the picture is in-existance. :D Cos we're doing an upgrade.
Tts all for now~
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Was just looking through some stuff when I got reminded of a thought.
Giving a girl a rose.
Its interesting the effect a simple rose has on me.
Comparing a simple rose to a gift that has no practical value, I actually prefer to get a rose.
Why? cos guys dont get roses? :D
It appeals to the emotions? :D
Food for thought~
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Friday, February 6, 2009
fallen apart
My closet has fallen apart!!!
actually its been almost 3days? :D
Today's a saturday, so finally have the time to restore it~
Its a good time for me to de-clutter as well.
Set aside all that unflattering, shade-less, traditional jeans.
The stacks of huge black polo ts from the workplace.
Its a good thing actually, cos looking at it all, I've come a long long way to where I am now.
Guess its time to get new shoes, learn to wear cap, get good sunshades, and well... GOOD quality Ankle guard. :D *val will know why*
New gift for myself... Gym membership? or Pilates maybe?
Be Bless
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What will you do to find out if your crush is into you?
Movie: He just not that into you~
Thats another movie to add into my diet of Comedy Romance.
Nuffnang: What will you do to find out if your crush is into you?
I'll just approach him and say: "You always catch my eyes, and I thought it be good if we go for dinner. Are you free, maybe tomorrow evening?"
Omarks for creativity, but 70marks for no nonsense.
Whats your answer?
Anyone care to join me for the movie?
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Job pays my bills.
Its a good job afterall. :D
My Job pays my bills.
I am so bless~
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Just got back from course not long ago...
Through today's lesson, I got reminded to be grateful.
This session was with Trs tt has 6mth+ experience. Reminds me of me back then.
Very thankful to have a Reporting Officer that is willing to give me time and room to grow.
I am so blessed!
Cos the things that I began to share draws me to how I went through that growing process, experiencing how to manage a class, how not well done I was.
"Be grateful that your child has a safe home and functioning home to go to."
Cos really there are pupils who dont have one as mention above.
I am so blessed!
"Kids being obedient and less noisy at their seat."
"Such small issues doesnt seem to be a problem anymore. Cos it isn't a problem after all."
They are children after all. If they arent this way, then they are not children anymore.
So grateful that my pupils this year are a chirpy and happy lot.
The amount of parent/home support that I get.
I am so bless.
Friendly reminder to self: It is never about Single Failure or Solitary Success - Empress Club.
I went out without my headset today, meaning whole trip to One North, no mp3
Thank God theres "Today" newspaper for me to read.
I am so bless!
Walked into the cafe, and Fergie - Glamorous came on. :D tts like the song I listen to more than once everyday from my mp3 player.
I am so bless!
Rather than being deprieve, God had it played publicly. :D
Step out of the course and it began rainning cats and dogs.
Water flood the sides of the roads.
and yet I could walk by without being splashed.
I am so bless.
*not knowing its gonna rain*
Wore a short Denim skirt and platform shoes. - Rainy weather friendly attire.
I am so bless.
Had my umbrella in my bag. *no wait no hassle, all the way to the MRT station*
I am so bless!
God is good all the time,
All the time God is good.
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
P/S: if there is one character to represent my presence in the classroom, it is that of an eagle.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
:D I love my Tuesdays. Takes my mind off many things.
Here's my really bad attempts at drawing visual cues.
Wats that?
and this?
I know, tts why I'm not an art teacher.
Heres some from an art teacher
So much more obvious what each animal is right...
Going for yet another course tomorrow,
tts the reason why my laptop clock just strike 1am and yet I am still online.
Tot of watching the show tt has Brad Pitt as Mr Button...
But dunno when's it gonna be.
Was just exchanging sms with a friend, mention that I was intoxicated.
Then got reminded.
The only reason that I am intoxicated is because I allow myself to.
Not that it is bad, neither is it good.
Cos its good to walk deep into things sometimes, cos it made u human.
Not good because the baggage that comes with it can sometimes waste alot of precious resources.
The lecturer told us something that made me smile today,
Literature = Life, Death and Love.
A Sonnet by John Milton
WHEN I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest He returning chide,
'Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?'
I fondly ask. But patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, 'God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts. Who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly: thousands at his bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.'
Thats about all for now. Its early early 8.30am tomorrow at Buona Vista~
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Sunday, February 1, 2009
not good... I am losing appetite and begining to be unable to tolerate normal volume sound from the radio... Nose itchy, Throat scratchy...
Happen to see some neighbors these days. One is younger than me, started part timing as a General Worker for about 8 months, and another went back to pick up an ITE course after his bond ends with NS, and another in ITE as well.
All of them smile and nodded their heads when I ask them "So now you know the importance of studing hard?"
A thought that came upon me due to one of my lectures:
As we get older, do we post a question, using that as merely a coverup for us to give the answer that we already have in mind?
Keep me in prayers :)
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
Just got back from service. *stone*
Pastor's message on Shang Di in the Chinese culture was so exciting!
Got to get the Audio track.
I'm surprised to know that Kang Xi Huang Di was a believer as well!
Went with a member to check some clothing out,
then I saw something...
1. Look at the Hotpants...
2. Look at the shoes...
3. In case you havent notice, look at the celliulite!
Oh Goodness,
I'm turning 25 soon,
I have got to work it out more and check the mirror when I want to go out of short skirts. :D
Just got questioned today about relationship,
guess my reply would be...
Im in one that is too casual to be called formal.
Then again, the other party aint from my church...
nvm, for now, I shall leave it to the other party to take it off to the next level.
Pastor is going to preach on Relationship next week. :D
I wonder whats it gonna be like.
We are starting Morning Prayer meeting the week after!
Its gonna be exciting days ahead!
Be Bless
She is one step closer to SOT 2010
P/S: I'm not a voyeur, and I dont usually take people's photos like that. The point is, dont have it, dont show it....